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The art of tattoos in Chile: from ancient spirits to souvenirs

Mayo 10, 2024

Would you get a tattoo to remember a vacation? Here in Chile, the practice is becoming more and more common, but Chile’s tattoo culture has roots that lie much deeper. 

Indigenous cultures in many parts of the world have some kind of tattoo practice, and the indigenous peoples in Chile are no exception. Mommies from the north of Chile have been found to have tattoos, although simpler and more rare than in other ancient or traditional cultures.

But in Rapa Nui (Easter Island) society is where tattoos played a bigger role. They demonstrated an individual’s identity, as well as strength, wealth, and even connection with spiritual energies. The origins of tattoos on the island are debated, although the legend goes that two female spirits, completely covered in tattoos, had children with two men who lived in a cave on Motu Nui. Supposedly, the children traveled to the mainland of Rapa Nui to teach the residents the artform. 


In those days, experts asked for permission from the local chief and made the ink from the ‘ti’ plant and tools from bone. Unfortunately, the custom had almost disappeared by the early 1900s, due to slave raiding, colonial conversion practices, and cultural exchanges. As in many places, including mainland Chile, a prejudice developed around tattoos. A few decades ago, very few people would have been seen with one so openly. 

Tattoo with traditional Rapa Nui symbols – @atarangatattoo


These days, tattoos are much more common. On Rapa Nui, young artists, now practicing modern techniques, have revived the practice and designs. In mainland Chile, people from all walks of life, socio-economic classes, professions, and lifestyles wear tattoos without shame or hiding them. Some prejudice remains for sure – there was even debate during the most recent presidential elections about now-elected President Boric’s tattooed arm – many people you’ll come across in Chile will have a tattoo of some kind. It might be the smallest of designs hidden on an ankle or a whole sleeve for all the world to see. 

In fact, Chile has become renowned for its talented tattoo artists – and artist is certainly the active word! Requested around the world, many Chilean tattooists are invited to travel to Europe, North America, and further to share their talents. But for those who don’t make it for their fleeting visits, tourists increasingly flock to Chile to mark their skin, sometimes as a beautiful souvenir to remember their adventures. 

Torres del Paine tattoo – @inknecessary

Aluna Tattoo at Yaya Tatu studio, spoke to us about how Chile’s visitors, instead of carrying home a fridge magnet to remember their trip, they instead ink a landscape, a bird, a flower, or a word that marked their adventure. It’s a unique way to mark a moment – or perhaps the feeling of that moment – their whole life. 


Although many are travelers on long trips, sometimes through a few countries on the continent, some pass through on a short trip to the Atacama Desert or Patagonia. The practice certainly speaks to how special this part of the world is. The laid-back way of life, the spectacular landscapes, the beautiful wildlife, and the unforgettable memories mark travelers so much that they tint their skin to immortalize the experience. 


Main image: @atarangatattoo

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